HSA at ARTS - What we are Learning
Last winter, we shared with you the launch of the Holistic Student Assessment (HSA) at ARTS, which is a survey designed by the PEAR Institute (Partnerships in Education and Resilience) to better understand youth social emotional development. Below are some of the initial results we have gathered.
Throughout the Fall 2021 and the Spring 2022 sessions, we were able to collect information from more than 100 young people who participated in the Community ARTS program and took a pre-assessment at the beginning of the session and a post-assessment during the last week of their session.
We’ve learned that some youth continue to struggle with challenges which became evident as a result of the isolation experienced during the pandemic. Action orientation, which is engagement in physical and hands-on activities; assertiveness defined as confidence in putting oneself forward, advancing personal beliefs, wishes or thoughts, and standing up for what one believes; and academic motivation, meaning the desire to succeed in school academically, are some of the areas where the majority of the youth feel challenged. And it is no surprise. According to PEAR Institute representatives and various mental health studies, the decrease in socialization amongst teens has had a significant impact on their mental health worldwide.
Data of students enrolled in our programs for Spring 2022
On the other hand, we have also learned that some of the main strengths reported by ARTS youth are their ability to cultivate empathy, control their emotions, and build relationships with their peers. Through the Community ARTS program, youth develop community agreements together where they commit to treating each other with respect and kindness. We also welcome youth to be authentic and honest with themselves and their peers, so during our weekly check-ins, teaching artists open a platform where youth can share how they are finding themselves on that particular day. And through art-making, group conversations, and community projects, ARTS youth find a space where they can meet other young people and cultivate a sense of community.
With this in mind, ARTS continues to find relevance in the healing-centered engagement framework and the implementation of CARMA principles in our programs.
By creating a special focus on Culture and Identity, Agency, Relationships, Meaning, and Aspiration across our programs, we can invite youth to learn and celebrate themselves, while also catalyzing their strengths and resiliencies.
The 2021-2022 cycle has been informative for the ARTS Programs Team, and as we get closer to the Fall session of Community ARTS, we look forward to continuing the implementation of HSA and our understanding of the strengths, interests, and needs of the young people we serve.